OCIA might be for you. The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, better known as OCIA, is a program for adults to be received into the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Initiations. We also include with our OCIA program the opportunity for adult Catholics to prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The program begins with an inquiry phase that allows one to learn more about the faith before discerning whether to move forward with receiving the sacraments. The group gathers weekly in the Julie Room. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact our OCIA Team at [email protected]. You can fill out the registration forms on our website, at these links:
Our parish is blessed with many individuals seeking to learn more about Catholic spirituality and/or thinking about becoming Catholic. An important part of our OCIA is connecting each participant with a sponsor – a parish member willing to accompany them as they explore this spiritual path. Sponsors do not have to be experts in theology or Catholic doctrine – it’s a job for ordinary, everyday Catholics who are willing to be a friend and companion to someone who is discovering the beauty of our faith. Sound interesting? Please contact Richard Joseph at [email protected] to learn more or to volunteer.