Join us on Thursday, September 14, at 7:30 pm. We will unite with people worldwide to pray in an Ecumenical Prayer Vigil for the upcoming Bishop’s Synod in Rome this fall. In Atlanta, we will gather to pray through song, scripture, prayer, and silence for these efforts to open the doors of Christian unity and to give space to different voices to be heard. We come together in gratitude and prayer that fruit may be brought forth! This Synod signifies the Catholic church’s new steps toward listening to the whole people of God. The Taizé Community, which proposed the Gathering, and the Pope have invited people from all confessions to join together in Rome and worldwide to pray. Pope Francis says: "The path toward Christian unity and synodal conversion of the church are linked.” To learn more about the Synod and the Ecumenical Vigil in Rome, visit For more information about Taizé prayer in Atlanta, visit
If you are interested in helping, contact Lisa Persons at 404-218-5527.